sex 1What’s this I hear? Another sex party I didn’t get invited to…outf**kingrageous! It would appear the UK Parliament’s expenses watchdog is to investigate claims that the taxpayer…you and me…indirectly funded a hotel suite that was used for a gay sex party during a Conservative Party conference, and no, the conference wasn’t on louche behaviour. It goes like this! A suite of rooms at the Manchester Light ApartHotel costing up to £2,500 per night was booked by the Policy Research Unit, a taxpayer-funded think tank, and it was here the gay sex party allegedly took place. Boy oh boy, parliamentary research has come a long way since I was a boy! Actually I’m rather glad I wasn’t invited to the party after all, for my sexual preferences aren’t particularly conservative! Vol-au-vents stuffed with whole prawns in an exoskeleton (shell) aren’t really my cup of tea!

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