total wipeout

It was after reading about ‘rare artefacts connected to Napoleon Blownaparte, including a lock of his hair stolen from a museum near Melbourne, Australia’ that I had my epiphany! Why not gather DNA from Boney, Arthur Wellesley (the 1st Duke of Wellington), Kaiser Wilhelm the 2nd, Adolph Hitler, Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini, Joe Stalin and even Mafiosi member Salvatore Lucania (Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano)? Clone them! Yes, that’s what I said…clone them, and when they mature, let them all compete against one-another in a special edition of ‘Total Wipeout’. The prize? Why absolute control of Europe! It’s got to be cheaper than member states paying hundreds of millions of euros every year to keep MEPs and unelected Commissioners in wine and whores!

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