English: Many dry cleaners place cleaned cloth...

English: Many dry cleaners place cleaned clothes inside thin clear plastic garment bags. Español: Prendas en el interior de una tintorería. עברית: מסוע חשמלי עליו תולים את הכביסה הנקייה. हिन्दी: शुष्क धुलाई किये हुए कपड़े. Türkçe: Kuru temizleyicide asılı elbiseler. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Huh, tell me about it! Once I get an emergency call it takes me half an hour to struggle into my latex flying suit, only to find I’ve put it on back-to-front! Then there are the friction burns when flying at the speed of sound! And what about when I have to stop half way to take a dump at 40,000 feet? Often I must deploy my ‘BRATWURST’ to slow me down in time, otherwise I risk over-shooting the trouble zone! You try taking a flight suit into the dry-cleaners. I’m so sick of the snickers! I’m no sexual deviant in latex, I can assure you of that! Currently I’m on my final warning at work. I can’t help it if I’m forever late for a shift. I might be in the middle of the North Sea righting an up-turned tanker! Do I get any consideration, no! Why only the other week I saved a woman from a burning car by ripping off the driver’s door. What did I get for my trouble? A bill from the driver’s insurance company! Have you any idea how hard it is to sustain a relationship with a woman when almost every time we’re playing ‘hide the salami’ someone phones to tell me a child’s got her head stuck in park railings? I don’t expect money…I don’t expect a statue of my likeness erected, but some consideration would be welcomed.

Oh hell, the lot of you can go F**K yourselves. You’re on your own from now on! I’m going to stay at home and cut my toenails.

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