
Failure_Freeway (Photo credit: StormKatt)

Why do we have this culture of rewarding failure? How many chief executives must be paid off with hundreds of thousands of pounds for failing in their duties before the rules are changed? It’s not just in banks, but across the board! You would think no one else would want to employ these failure, as indeed would I, but how wrong we would be! Most of the CEOs are quickly re-employed in similarly high-profile positions, and often in industries they are unfamiliar with. Where is the motivation to succeed when one is almost equally rewarded for failure? Okay, two failures and you’re probably unemployable, but by that time you will have accrued millions in severance and pensions. Contracts should be performance-related only, and unrelated to making redundancies! It is said you can learn more from a failure than a success. This maybe so, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of shareholders or employees. With so much at stake in a fragile economy, it should be ‘one strike and you’re out!’

Case in point, UK Passport Office chief Paul Pugh has been nominated for a ‘Leader of the Year’ award, the ceremony to take place tonight at the prestigious Landmark Hotel in central London. Okay, the nomination was made months ago, however, bearing in mind there is a backlog of 500,000 passport applications to get through, shouldn’t someone have withdrawn Mr Pugh’s nomination for an award he clearly doesn’t deserve in light of the passport fiasco?