English: Metropolitan Police officers on patro...

English: Metropolitan Police officers on patrol in London’s Trafalgar Square (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Not that long ago UK police constabularies were criticised for paying officers £60:00 a time for answering the phone after their shifts were over. Now police forces have been criticised for paying officers hundreds of pounds in bonuses for dealing with dead or dismembered bodies. It appears police and civilian staff are paid compensation of up to £500 if they are sent to the scene of a car crash or murder, or have to take fingerprints from a corpse. What the hell is going on? Now that the Mail on Sunday has revealed this absurd payment scheme negotiated by the powerful Police Federation, might not paramedics and firefighters demand the same deal? I remind you, many of the civilian support staff are former police officers who have retired from front line policing or who have taken redundancy packages, only to be re-employed!  Presumably there’s a bonus structure in place for police officers who witness a man exposes his tackle or a woman, her breasts! If policing is such unpleasant work, don’t so it!


English: Police issue X26 TASER

English: Police issue X26 TASER (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A12-year-old girl brandishing two knives and threatening to harm herself was Tasered with 50,000 volts by police. That’s nothing, I’ve seen a three-year-old girl brandishing an AK47 machine-gun. As police were about to Taser her, I shouted, “don’t, it’ll just make her more aggressive!” What is it with kids these-days. It must be something in their diet…too much sugar perhaps?